Monday, 10 December 2012

" An A++ ! " for the "Speed Reading and Knowledge Management" Course on Wed. 21 Sep 2005 at SIM

Another "A+ +" from Tony

"Speed Reading and Knowledge Management Course" on Wed., 21 Sep 2005 at Singapore Institute of Management

This is another wonderful course that I attended as part of my continual education in the area of Mental Literacy. I never knew that I could easily clock a reading speed in excess of 2000wpm. In this knowledge-based economy and Internet world where information seems to be doubling every eighteen months, it is definitely advantages to be able to take in and remember as much information and knowledge as possible.
The United Nations stipulated a functional reading speed of about 400wpm for anyone wishing to be a KBE-literate in this world today. For anyone who wishes to increase his reading speed and improve on their ability to manage the amount of information that the world is producing, it is without a doubt that I would highly recommend this course to them. Do not be surprise that you suddenly find an improvement of at least 600% in your reading speed after the course. My participants have easily achieved it too!
Please enjoy digesting Tony's approach on Speed Reading and Knowledge Management. You may also like to read his book on Speed Reading which is available in Amazon.

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