Monday, 10 December 2012

Another " A++ ! " on "Tony's Keynote Speech" at the 2nd Mind Map Conference for Educators

Another "A + +" endorsement from Tony

I was lucky to be able to mind map Tony's GOH and Keynote Speech at the 2nd Mind Map Conference for Educators organised by Buzan Asia Pte Ltd on 5 Sep 2006 in UniSIM. There was no conference/seminar paper or notes on the topic of his presentation. Thus, one must be prepared to take lots of notes OR, like me, be prepared to draw a 1-page, landscaped Mind Map of his speech.

He was paying tribute to the contributions made by teachers who also assumes many other roles such as a counsellor, mentor, provider of information, facilitator, tutor, coach, motivator, guardian, prime contributor to the nation's wealth, etc......

The lecture shows Tony's mastery in his presentation throuth his fluency and ability to associate and elaborate further, if necessary.

" An A++ ! " for the "Speed Reading and Knowledge Management" Course on Wed. 21 Sep 2005 at SIM

Another "A+ +" from Tony

"Speed Reading and Knowledge Management Course" on Wed., 21 Sep 2005 at Singapore Institute of Management

This is another wonderful course that I attended as part of my continual education in the area of Mental Literacy. I never knew that I could easily clock a reading speed in excess of 2000wpm. In this knowledge-based economy and Internet world where information seems to be doubling every eighteen months, it is definitely advantages to be able to take in and remember as much information and knowledge as possible.
The United Nations stipulated a functional reading speed of about 400wpm for anyone wishing to be a KBE-literate in this world today. For anyone who wishes to increase his reading speed and improve on their ability to manage the amount of information that the world is producing, it is without a doubt that I would highly recommend this course to them. Do not be surprise that you suddenly find an improvement of at least 600% in your reading speed after the course. My participants have easily achieved it too!
Please enjoy digesting Tony's approach on Speed Reading and Knowledge Management. You may also like to read his book on Speed Reading which is available in Amazon.

My Mind Map of a "Minutes of a BLI Meeting with Tony on Sunday 7th Sep 2003, at RTC from 7 to 11.15pm"

"Minutes of a BLI Meeting with Tony on Sunday 7th Sep 2003, at RTC from 7 to 11.15pm"
Tony met a few of the Singapore BLIs (Buzan Licensed Instructors) to discuss his plans for the push towards Global Mental Literacy. In this meeting with Henry Toi, Dilip Mukerjea, Tan Kwang Liang and myself, we met on Sunday, 7th Sep 2003 at Raffles Town Club from 7-11.15pm.

It was really an enjoyable evening where I was busily occupied mind mapping the minutes and enjoying all the anecdotes mentioned at the same time. It was this night too, that he presented the "Neuron" collar dots to us and mentioned his vision is to have 10% of the world's population or 600 million to proudly wear that collar dot as a symbol of "quality MINDSET" - a mark of EXCELLENCE!
I look forward toward this vision as I believe, mind mapping is the motivating force towards greater Mental Literacy for the whole world. Please enjoy the thoughts that went through our minds.


Sunday, 9 December 2012

"A MASTERPIECE" Mind Map on "Get More Good Thinking in Your Organisation" Course

I shall try to gather all the live Mind Maps that I did during Tony's courses or seminars in Singapore from the year 1997 onwards....... I hope this will provide some inspiration to those to continue persevering to take seminar notes in a mind map format! It is not easy, but I can assure you that the rewards are forever enriching, fulfilling and memorable. Each mind map is a Von Restorff (The VR effect was studied by Hedwig von Restorff in 1933) by itself as it captures a summary of about 70-90% or more of the content of what was delivered.

I have learnt that even though I have sat through two or more times in a course or seminar of the same title that is conducted by Tony, there is always something interesting that I would learn from the Guru. Each workshop/course/seminar is an endearing experience. After working with him and attending so many of his seminars I learnt a bit of his style of teaching. I must say that it helped me in improving my teaching that I managed to obtain some Academic Developmental and Teaching awards during my more than 30 years as a lecturer in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Over the years, I also learnt that many of my students studying for their degrees, masters and PhDs, had also applied the principles of mind mapping to their studies. I hope what I have done would provide the motivation and inspiration to my students and others. LINK to testimonial and recommendations of professionals whom I have the privelege of working with I would be happy to work with any like minded people to bring to the world Tony's work through the numerous real-time mind maps that I have done.

Please enjoy the mind maps and learn from the connections and associations what the great inventor, Tony Buzan, has researched and taught. So......please attend one of Tony's courses/lectures if you have the opportunity. You will not regret it.

Below is one of the earliest Mind Map I did during Tony's 2-day seminar at SIM. It was the first A2-sized mind map that I did over the two days. Thus, one can see more details that other mind maps that were done on A3 to A6-sized paper. Could you imagine what it means for a mind map to be endorsed by the Tony Buzan, the Inventor of Mind Map as "A Masterpiece"? A mind map that was done on the spot over the two days. I too, was speechless, as I did not expect the mind map to turn out as shown. Although it is really a true 2D graphic representation of my interpretation of the 2-day course,
I strongly believe, anyone, with the right mindset and proper training given by a certified mind map trainer would also be able to benefit much by reading the mind map. It is almost as though one would have attended the course through my eyes, associations and interpretations!

Below is a mind map done on his 2-day seminar (12 & 13 Sep 2000) on "How to Get More Good Thinking in Your Organisation". as well as a photograph taken when Tony autographed my Mind Map with the remarks "A Masterpiece!" The Mind Map is drawn on an A2-sized paper.

12 & 13 September 2000 - "Get More Good Thinking in Your Organisation" Mind Map by Mr Lim Choon Boo
"A Masterpiece!" remarks by Mr Tony Buzan